Donald Trump Jr ‘is MORE dangerous than his father,’ says You’ve Been Trumped Too director


Donald Trump Jr ‘is MORE dangerous than his father,’ says You’ve Been Trumped Too director

President Donald Trump has been fighting the release of a recently released documentary for the past four years. Documentarian Anthony Baxter attempted to bring You’ve Been Trumped Too to screens back in 2016, but it was unfortunately stopped by legal action from the Trump organisation.

And it’s easy to see why the company made this decision, as it depicts Trump’s organisation seemingly cutting off the water supply to Scottish widow Molly Forbes.

Forbes, who was 92 during the time of filming, was left without running water thanks to the businessman’s construction workers.

Her broken water pipe left her without any help from Trump, and a number of empty promises from members of the business.

The film follows a number of the local Scots fighting back against Trump in their own way – putting up walls, flying Mexican flags, etc.

Although the film was shot just before Trump became President of the United States, Baxter feels as if Donald Trump Junior could be more “dangerous” than his father in the future.

Throughout You’ve Been Trumped Too Baxter speaks to Trump Jr in some one-on-one interviews.

These see him giving his opinions on Forbes’ loss of running water.

Baxter recently chatted with about the film, in which he spoke frankly about Trump Jr, and his future.

“The point is, none of us really know what the truth is until we investigate and try and get to the truth.

“And I think when Donald Trump Jr did those hunting trips – which we talk about in the film – he seemed to be completely and utterly… he could not comprehend how people would find that offensive.

“It’s this kind of life of privilege and living in a bubble of this privilege that he has inhabited all his life.

“And when people like Donald Trump Jr get a sniff of power… it becomes a very dangerous thing.”

Going on to talk about the future of the Trump organisation, Baxter went on to predict Trump Jr may even strive for president.

“I think that’s why I, sort of, would be very concerned in the future – which I don’t rule out at all – [with] the idea that he might run as a future president.

“I think you see what’s happened in American history with George Bush and George Bush Sr.

You’ve Been Trumped Too is available on demand on iTunes, Amazon, GooglePlay, Journeyman VOD and Vimeo now August.

Published at Sat, 22 Aug 2020 18:01:00 +0000


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