Elvis death: Lisa Marie interview ‘proves’ Elvis was NOT in his coffin at public funeral


Elvis death: Lisa Marie interview ‘proves’ Elvis was NOT in his coffin at public funeral

The accepted public facts about the death and funeral of Elvis are clear. The star was pronounced dead by doctors at Memphis Baptist Memorial Hospital at 3.30pm on August 16, 1977. At 4pm his father stood on the steps of Graceland and told the gathered media. The following day his body was brought home and Vernon allowed thousands of fans to file past the casket in the entrace foyer of the mansion before the family had their own private time alone with him. A private service took place on the morning of August 18 before the casket was driven to Forest Hills Cemetery. Over 80,000 people lined the route. So, how is it possible that everyone in public and in private was mistaken?

In a televised interview Lisa Marie described those terrible days at home.

Although she was only nine years old at the time, The King’s daughter talked about the last time they spoke and what happened afterwards.

She said: “It was August 16th, at 4am. I was supposed to be asleep actually. He found me and (told me) ‘Go to bed.”I said ‘Ok” I think he kissed me again and then I ran off. He came in and kissed me good night after that. That was the last time I saw him alive.”

But what happened next does not fit all the official facts at all.

It has been described how Lisa Marie and her mother Priscilla were given private time alone with Elvis’ body on August 17, just before Graceland was opened to tens of thousands of grieving fans.

The funeral director described how Lisa Marie asked to leave a very personal gift inside the coffin.

Click on the link on the left to read the emotional full story.

There was even photograph of Elvs in his coffin smuggled out and sold to the National Enquirer by his cousin. 

But years later, Lisa Marie said: “His body was in the house for three days and there was something oddly comforting about that which made in not necessarily real for me.” 

It seem inconceivable that anyone would put a child through a fake death and funeral, let alone keep such an enormous secret among a circle of friends and family, however tightly knit.

In October 1977 Elvis’ body was publicly moved back to Graceland just weeks after his funeral due to a foiled attempt to break into the family tomb. However, there are persistent rumours that Elvis isn’t even buried at home at all.

Many believe that his body rests in peace somewhere else, only known to a few. If Lisa Marie’s memories are correct, then perhaps an empty casket was buried on August 18, but Elvis’ body always remained at Graceland before a secret enterrement a few days later.

Published at Fri, 04 Sep 2020 17:22:26 +0000


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