Hair loss treatment: Sandalwood promotes keratinocytes which could increase hair growth


Hair loss and hair thinning are considered normal, often occurring with ageing. While no treatment is 100 percent effective, sandalwood has shown some impressive results regarding the ability to increase hair growth.

The researchers reported that the treated hair follicles survived longer than those that went untreated and produced more growth factor.

It was verified that sandalwood interacted with the OR2AT4 receptor which increased hair growth.

The study concluded that sandalwood helps hair to grow due to stimulation of the root caused by the oil and that hair growth occurred due to a process in which the follicle cells were converted into hair.

Other hair loss treatments

Finasteride and minoxidil are the main treatments for male pattern baldness, recommended by the NHS.

Minoxidil can also be used to treat female pattern baldness, but women shouldn’t use finasteride.

But it’s important to know these treatments don’t work for everyone, and may only work for as long as they’re used.

They also aren’t available on the NHS and can be expensive.

Other ways to treat hair loss include hair transplant – when hair cells are moved to thinning patches, and tattooing – tattoos used to look like short hair and eyebrows.

If your hair loss is causing you distress, speak to your GP who may be able to help you get some counselling. 

Published at Thu, 04 Feb 2021 08:05:14 +0000

Hair loss treatment: Sandalwood promotes keratinocytes which could increase hair growth


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