Lung cancer: Lesser-known sign of disease is a painful skin condition warning of your risk


Lung occurs when cells divide in the lungs uncontrollably. This causes tumours to grow which can reduce a person’s ability to breathe. The disease could spread to other parts of the body making the condition potentially fatal. For this reason, spotting early and unusual signs warning of your risk is critical. An itchy or painful rash is a lesser-known warning sign to spot.

As well as the rash, patients tend to develop progressive muscle weakness around their hips, thighs, shoulders and arms.

“Dermatomyositis in adults has been linked to an increased likelihood of developing cancer, particularly of the cervix, lungs, pancreas, breasts, ovaries and gastrointestinal tract,” said the Mayo Clinic.

“Dermatomyositis is an uncommon inflammatory disease marked by muscle weakness and a distinctive skin rash.

“The most common signs and symptoms of dermatomyositis include skin changes.”

Other unusual signs of the disease include back pain or constipation

Back pain

Back or shoulder pain is a very common symptom of lung cancer.

It’s usually caused by a specific type of lung cancer, known as a Pancoast tumour.

These cancers grow in the upper part of the lungs, and subsequently spreads to either the ribs, nerves or spine.

If lung cancer is causing your back pain, you’ll most likely feel an achy pain at the top of your back.

How to respond if worried about potential signs of lung cancer

According to the NHS, you should see a GP if you have symptoms of lung cancer, such as breathlessness or a persistent cough.

As the health body explains, the GP will ask about your general health and your symptoms.

“They may examine you and ask you to breathe into a device called a spirometer, which measures how much air you breathe in and out,” it says.

Published at Wed, 19 May 2021 18:22:19 +0000

Lung cancer: Lesser-known sign of disease is a painful skin condition warning of your risk


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