Nasty Google Chrome scam targets Android users – DON'T click on this update


“The cybercriminal behind this campaign is trying hard to stay under the radar of mobile security solutions,” said Pradeo’s Roxane Suau.

“First, they use the victims’ phone numbers to expedite phishing SMS, to make sure they are not blocked by messaging apps’ spam filter.

“Secondly, the malware uses obfuscation techniques and calls external code to hide its malicious behaviors, hence eluding most threat detection systems.

“Thirdly, as soon as the app is identified and referenced by most antivirus, the cybercriminal simply repackages it with a new signature to go back under the radar.”

Published at Thu, 13 May 2021 06:32:00 +0000

Nasty Google Chrome scam targets Android users – DON'T click on this update


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