Nathaniel Hall health: It’s A Sin actor describes his HIV diagnosis – symptoms


“During sex, the genitals, rectum, and mouth allow the virus to enter the body,” explains Winchester Hospital.

Using condoms all the time will there lower your risk.

“Keep in mind that sex is any act that involves exchanging bodily fluids. Any time you have sex, use a condom or other protection,” adds Winchester Hospital.

Your chances of HIV are also higher for:

  • Men who have sex with men
  • Having a partner who is at high risk or already has HIV
  • Having many sex partners
  • Sex with someone who has many partners
  • Regular exposure to blood or bodily fluids with HIV
  • Having a mother with HIV when you were born
  • Living in or staying in places where HIV infection is common
  • Having an uncircumcised penis.

Published at Thu, 11 Feb 2021 09:42:00 +0000

Nathaniel Hall health: It’s A Sin actor describes his HIV diagnosis – symptoms


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