Queen’s Brian May pays tribute to RAF vets on Battle of Britain 80th ‘Let us never forget’


Queen’s Brian May pays tribute to RAF vets on Battle of Britain 80th ‘Let us never forget’

Queen guitarist has kept fans entertained throughout lockdown with micro-concerts videos. But the 73-year-old has also used his platform to write about things close to his heart. And in his latest Instagram post, May has paid tribute to RAF vets for the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.

Posting a picture of a Spitfire, May wrote: “80 years ago, brave men and women came together to achieve victory in the Battle of Britain, saving our country’s freedom.

“Today, as we mark Battle of Britain Day, there are still RAF veterans, and their partners, who might be in urgent need of support but have fallen off the radar.

“That’s why I’m supporting the @rafbf’s campaign to get them #BackOnTheRadar to receive the help they need and deserve.

“JoinTheSearch Visit rafbf.org/radar to find out more.”

READ MORE: Queen’s Brian May: ‘We need to get on with making the BEST of Brexit’

May added: “But there are so many things about the way we are now governed which I feel are desperately wrong.

“Sometimes it feels like we won the war, but lost the peace.

“And it seems our democracy takes away our power. Bri.”

Despite being a Remainer, May has previously said that the UK should get on with making the best of Brexit.

The rock star wrote on his Instagram after January 31: “Well, it’s ‘That Day’ back in the UK.

“Viewed from out here in the wide world, it’s even harder to understand how even 37 per cent of Britons could have thought this was a good idea.

“But it’s all water under the bridge now – and we now need to get on with making the best of it.

“Even if you get lemons you can make lemonade – right ? ! Onwards !!!”

Published at Wed, 16 Sep 2020 17:11:00 +0000


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