Samsung extends deadline before it will DELETE your photos, videos and files


The latter is only available until August 12, 2021. After that, you’ll only be able to download your files to local storage until Samsung Cloud completes shuts down on September 30, 2021. When that happens, Samsung will remove everything stored on Samsung Cloud by users.

In other words, if you haven’t switched your back up from Samsung Cloud to OneDrive by August 1, or downloaded all of files to another machine by September 30, then any photographs, videos, or documents will be deleted by Samsung.

Confirming the three-month extension to the initial deadline, Samsung wrote in an email to customers with data locked away in its Samsung Cloud service, “To make sure we provide our customers with enough time to migrate or download their data, we have decided to postpone the final end of features date by an extra 3 months from the originally announced date.”

Published at Fri, 04 Jun 2021 08:09:00 +0000

Samsung extends deadline before it will DELETE your photos, videos and files


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