Type 2 diabetes: Patient reveals key diet changes to reverse the condition


Type 2 is a huge problem for this country and around the world and the more people that understand the seriousness of its impact, the dangers and its life-threatening properties, the better.

In book The Successful Patient: How To Send Your Type 2 Diabetes Into Remission, Dr Hilary explained how one diabetes patient, David Schofield, was able to reverse the condition.

He said: “David Schofield is a successful patient who was able to reverse his type 2 diabetes.

“David lost over 50 kgs and no longer takes any medication and is a fascinating insight into the real world of diabetes, something that the NHS doesn’t always tell you.”

David, the author of the book, wrote: “When I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I attended seminars where I was told that I had to eat a fistful of white carbohydrate three times a day.

“Also no one mentioned what free sugars are or how important it is to check food labels.

“Four and a half years after my initial diagnosis a dietician dropped this little nugget into the conversation.

“Medically, sugar is classed in two ways, natural occurring sugars and free sugars.

“Natural sugars are okay as long as you keep under 120 grams a day”.

READ MORE: Type 2 diabetes warning: Calorie-free drinks could raise your risk – what you need to know

When discussing free sugars, David added: “Free sugars are the nasties, sugars that are added to food and drinks, either by we, manufactures or cooks.

“This includes beers, lagers, ciders, and wine, added sugar to sweetened yoghurts and milks, the sugar you add to your breakfast and cup of tea, the extras that go into cakes, biscuits and puddings.

“This includes sucrose, glucose, honey, maple syrup, fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates.”

The Science Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) passed on their final recommendations to the Government relating to sugar and fibre as part of their Carbohydrates and Health report.

These recommendations to the Government relating to sugar and fibre as part of their Carbohydrates and Health report.

These recommendations were supported by the British Dietetic Association (BDA), the nations largest organisation of food and nutrition professionals with over 8,000 members.

SACN has advised the government to radically reduce the intake recommendation of free sugars in the populations diet.

SACN has recommended that free sugars account for no more than 5 percent of daily energy intake.

For David, knowing the importance of checking the amount of sugar in his diet and carefully reading the food labels for added sugar has allowed him to lose a staggering 50 pounds and reverse his type 2 diabetes.

Published at Fri, 22 Jan 2021 04:01:00 +0000

Type 2 diabetes: Patient reveals key diet changes to reverse the condition


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