Millions of porn viewers at risk after user data stolen from popular adult site


Even so, it’s unclear how many accounts this bad actor does have in their possession.

To be on the safe side if you have a MyFreeCams account it’s best to change your password to a secure, new login which hasn’t been used on any other website as soon as possible.

According to a sample of the database which was taken, details such as usernames, e-mail address, MyFreeCams Token balances as well as passwords in plain text were stolen by the threat actor.

And the stolen user details could end up being used for a wide range of scams from nefarious parties.

Besides stealing the accounts and topping it up with Tokens to sell on the black market, bad actors could also send e-mails blackmailing porn viewers and threatening to expose details on their MyFreeCams account to friends and family.

User data could also be used to carry out phishing attacks or spamming victims‘ e-mail addresses.

Published at Fri, 22 Jan 2021 06:01:00 +0000

Millions of porn viewers at risk after user data stolen from popular adult site


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