Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms: Three warning signs on your feet to watch out for


Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that supports the body’s vital functions by helping keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and helping to make DNA. The nutrient’s contribution is easily overlooked if you are getting enough of it but low levels can have a pernicious effect on the body. Many of these effects can show up on the feet.

People following a vegetarian diet are also prone to B12 deficiency.

That’s because vitamin B12 is found naturally in a wide variety of animal foods and is added to some fortified foods.

“Plant foods have no vitamin B12 unless they are fortified,” explains the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

How to treat it

Naturally, the treatment for vitamin B12 depends on what’s causing the condition.

It adds: “People who find it difficult to get enough vitamin B12 in their diets, such as those following a vegan diet, may need vitamin B12 tablets for life.”

Busting B12 myths

According to Harvard Health, the internet is awash with articles lauding the use of vitamin B12 to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and other chronic conditions.

“Most are based on poor or faulty evidence,” warns the health body.

It adds: “For now, it’s best to get enough vitamin B12 to prevent a deficiency, and not look to it as a remedy for what ails you.”

To find vitamin B12 supplements, please shop at Holland & Barett, Amazon and MyProtein.

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Published at Thu, 13 May 2021 07:06:00 +0000

Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms: Three warning signs on your feet to watch out for


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