Instagram DOWN: App not working for users around the world again today


Instagram down reports are surging in today, with users of the popular Meta-owned social network experiencing issues. Independent outage monitor Down Detector has recorded a huge spike in Instagram down reports, as users flocked to sites such as Twitter to say the iPhone and Android app wasn’t working for them. At the time of writing, has recorded a peak of over 4,000 reports of Instagram down.

According to Down Detector stats, the main problems affecting users are to do with the app itself, the Instagram website and posting content.

As the reported Instagram issues hit users took to Twitter to vent about the problems they were facing.

One tweeted: “Why is instagram down again oh god we can never win”.

While another posted: “Instagram keep getting down over and over again”.

One added: “#instagramdown again?”

And another wrote: “Another day another Meta outage. Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp are all DOWN. #GetItTogetherMark”.

Besides Instagram, Down Detector today also recorded a spike in reported issues with other Meta services.

The outage monitor registered a surge in WhatsApp down, Facebook down, and Messenger down reports all at the same time Instagram down reports first started to emerge.

The latest Instagram service issues come while a huge Meta outage that lasted six hours is still fresh in the mind.

That major outage took place at the start of October and affected all of the firm’s social media apps – Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram.

In the aftermath of the huge outage Meta published a lengthy blog post explaining what caused the issue.

The blog post said: “This outage was triggered by the system that manages our global backbone network capacity.

“The backbone is the network Facebook has built to connect all our computing facilities together, which consists of tens of thousands of miles of fiber-optic cables crossing the globe and linking all our data centers.”

Published at Fri, 19 Nov 2021 17:21:00 +0000

Instagram DOWN: App not working for users around the world again today


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