Coronavirus new strain symptoms: Scientists calling for four new symptoms to be added


He added: “This is especially important with new variants that may cause different symptoms. For us, the message for the public is clear: if you’re feeling newly unwell, it could be COVID and you should get a test.”

Dr Jakob Cramer, head of clinical development at CEPI, said: “Accurate diagnosis of COVID-19 cases is crucial when assessing the efficacy of coronavirus vaccine candidates in large-scale studies, especially since the signs and symptoms associated with the disease are extensive and overlap with other common viral infections.

“The findings of this study provide important insights that will help optimise the choice of triggering symptoms for diagnostic work-up in COVID-19 vaccine-efficacy trials.

“We hope the findings of this study will not only aid CEPI’s COVID-19 vaccine development partners but also the wider R&D community.”

Published at Wed, 17 Feb 2021 15:57:00 +0000

Coronavirus new strain symptoms: Scientists calling for four new symptoms to be added


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