Fatty liver disease symptoms: Four signs on the hand can indicate your organ is damaged


The liver has the incredible ability to regenerate itself, yet if scarring takes place, that part of the liver can’t be restored. Do you need to start taking better care of your health? Take a look at your hands, pay attention to the colour of the skin and nails, the shape of your fingers, and if they shake. The British Liver Trust pointed out that in the earlier stages of fatty liver disease, the palms become red and blotchy.

Pamela Healy, the CEO of the British Liver Trust, said: “One in three of us are at risk of getting liver disease.

“It is a silent killer and people often don’t realise they have a problem until it is too late.”

If you’re experiencing any symptoms of fatty liver disease, do speak to your doctor.

Do bear in mind that most doctors now offer telephone and video consultations due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“A healthy liver should contain little or no fat,” said the British Liver Trust.

You can help to maintain a healthy weight by eating a healthy, balanced diet and being more physically active.

Leading a healthier lifestyle will reward you with so many health benefits later on in life.

In order to follow the best type of diet, the British Liver Trust recommends the Mediterranean diet.

Published at Mon, 14 Jun 2021 06:06:00 +0000

Fatty liver disease symptoms: Four signs on the hand can indicate your organ is damaged


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