Fatty liver disease symptoms: The texture of your poo can indicate if your organ is damage


Fatty liver disease is strongly associated with obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. If you have one (or more) of these health conditions, how can you know if your organ is damaged? Scarring of the liver can eventually lead to liver failure, which requires an organ transplant, so it’s very important to prevent it from getting to that stage. A tar-like texture to your poo can be an indication of cirrhosis, Medical News Today confirmed.

“Consume both proteins and carbohydrates, but limit fats and sugars,” advised Medical News Today.

Implementing healthy eating habits as soon as possible can help prevent (further) scarring of the liver.

Once bits of the liver become scarred, the organ is unable to heal those specific parts.

However, the organ has an amazing ability to heal itself by reducing inflammation.

Waist measurements

BMI is a useful indication as to whether a person is at a healthy weight.

A more telling sign of obesity is using a tape measure to measure the waistline.

Women who have a waistline of 80cm or more “are more likely to develop obesity-related health problems”, including fatty liver disease.

For men, their risk of health complications increases if they have a waist circumference of 94cm or more.

Published at Sun, 06 Jun 2021 13:55:00 +0000

Fatty liver disease symptoms: The texture of your poo can indicate if your organ is damage


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