Liam Neeson health: Actor finds surprising solution to fix pain ‘so agonising I’d cry’


Liam spoke on Radio 5 live and said: “I was getting shooting pains in my leg, cramps in the middle of the night. A friend of mine set me up with this massage therapist who does all the dancers on Broadway and he worked on me.

In the longer term, the lactic acid can get stuck in the muscle and form crystals which massage therapists refer to as knots.

The knots then get more waste stuck to them and get larger.

Research shows that caffeine, a stimulant with ergogenic properties, increases blood lactate levels.

Health risk of caffeine consumption

Caffeine is a stimulant and the most commonly used drug in the world.

Every day, millions consume it to increase wakefulness, alleviate fatigue, and improve concentration and focus.

However, a high consumption of caffeine may not be healthful.

In addition, the recent trend of adding caffeine to drinks and snacks that do not naturally contain it has raised new concerns.

Gout, incontinence, insomnia and headaches may be associated with caffeine consumption.

Published at Fri, 12 Mar 2021 15:56:00 +0000

Liam Neeson health: Actor finds surprising solution to fix pain ‘so agonising I’d cry’


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