Marilyn Monroe death: How old was Marilyn Monroe when she died?


Marilyn Monroe death: How old was Marilyn Monroe when she died?

Marilyn Monroe was a star of the big screen, but sadly her personal life was a far harder time. She married multiple times and divorced for the last time only a year before her death. Her death is considered one of the worst tragedies in Hollywood – but how old was she when she died?

Marilyn Monroe died of an overdose of barbiturates on August 4, 1962, aged 36.

The actress had struggled with her mental health in the years leading up to her death, as well as substance abuse.

On the day of her death she had spent time with her publicist, her housekeeper, the photographer Lawrence Schiller and her psychiatrist Ralph Greenson.

It has been reported that, on the night of Marilyn’s death, Ralph asked her housekeeper to remain with her overnight, to keep her company.

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However, in the late evening, the housekeeper saw her bathroom light was on, but she appeared unresponsive and she had locked herself in.

Her death was ruled a suicide but conspiracy theories have suggested various people could have murdered Marilyn, though no evidence has been found to support these claims.

Marilyn’s net worth was around $20million (£15.4million) and her films had grossed around $200million (£154million,) so there was a great deal of estate to be shared out.

In terms of her will, she signed her will 10 days before her divorce from playwright Arthur Miller was finalised, and was filed for probate 13 days after her death.

It was contested by one of her business managers almost immediately, but it was established as a valid last will and testament shortly after.

Marilyn split her money between a number of people, with quite a hefty sum going to her “mentor and acting coach” Lee Strasberg.

He inherited all her personal items and clothing, as well as 75 percent of her residuary estate, which was anything left after her main bequests.

Marilyn left $10,000 (£7,700) to her half sister, Bernie Miracle, and the same to her personal secretary, May Reis.

She also left $5,000 (£3,800) each to her friends, Norman and Hedda Rosten, while also leaving $100,000 (£78,500) to be held in trust for her mother, Gladys Baker, and Xenia Chekhov, the surviving spouse of her friend and acting coach Michael Chekhov.


Gladys was to receive $5,000 (£3,800) a year, while Xenia was to receive $2,500 (£2,000) a year, and the balance of the trust was to go to her New York psychiatrist Dr Marianne Kris after Gladys and Xenia died.

According to the will, this was “to be used by her for the furtherance of the work of such psychiatric institutions or groups as she shall elect,” rather than for Dr Marianne’s own use.

Everything else in the residuary estate was to be divided so her personal secretary would receive an extra $40,000 (£30,900) and the rest would be split between Dr Marianne and Lee in a 25/75 split.

Dr Marianne was to use this money for the same reason as the other funds, but in the end it was Lee’s second wife, Anna, who benefited the most from the inheritance.

Lee died in 1982, and his second wife, who Marilyn had reportedly only met once, inherited his 75 percent share plus all her belongings, which meant she had almost $20million (£15.5million.)

Published at Sun, 01 Nov 2020 09:57:00 +0000


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