The Beatles: Ringo Starr received HEARTFELT gift when he rejoined the band


The Beatles: Ringo Starr received HEARTFELT gift when he rejoined the band

The Beatles spanned quite a large career, with a huge amount of drama surrounding them. Although the band managed to get through to the end of their careers unscathed – more or less – they did suffer a number of arguments and disagreements. One of these arguments saw Paul McCartney and John Lennon falling out with Ringo Starr.

Starr found himself feeling a little under appreciated during 1968, prompting his departure from the band.

This halted the writing and recording of The White Album – arguably some of the band’s best work.

With the band’s latest album on hold, the fab four were struggling to work out what to do next with their careers, as Ringo was still AWOL, and the rest of the band were missing a drummer.

Thankfully, this schism in the band didn’t last very long.

After a two week absence, Starr decided to return to the band.

It wasn’t a snap decision from Starr which sent him back to his pals, though, the drummer had some persuasion.

READ MORE: Beatles: Lennon McCartney FEUD exposed in terrible private letter months after split

Speaking about the event in The Beatles Anthology, Starr first explained why he felt the need to leave the band when he did.

“I had definitely left,” he said. “I couldn’t take it any more.

“There was no magic and the relationships were terrible. I’d come to a bad spot in life.

“It could have been paranoia, but I just didn’t feel good – I felt like an outsider.”

Despite this, he came back into the fold by making a stark realisation, and a heartfelt note from the rest of his band.

He explained: “When I got back to the studio I found George had had it decked out with flowers – there were flowers everywhere.

“I felt good about myself again, we’d got through that little crisis and it was great.

“And then the ‘White’ album really took off – we all left the studio and went to a little room so there was no separation and lots of group activity going down.”

Thankfully, this is one of the better stories involving the Beatles, as they eventually got back together and wrote the White Album.

Thankfully, the band did have some good times as well, as revealed by McCartney recently.

Speaking out about one of the songs on Abbey Road – Sun King – the star explained how he and his pals snuck in some swear words into the tune.

Speaking out on his website he explained: “There was a thing in Liverpool that us kids used to do, which was instead of saying ‘f**k off’, we would say ‘chicka ferdy!’”

Going on to talk about including this in his music, he continued: “It actually exists in the lyrics of The Beatles song ‘Sun King’.

Published at Thu, 03 Sep 2020 07:36:15 +0000


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