Type 2 diabetes: High blood sugars causes major feet issues increasing amputation risk


complications can include nerve damage and poor blood circulation. These problems make the feet vulnerable to skin sores (ulcers) or other serious feet issues that can worsen quickly.

People with high blood sugar can lose sensitivity in their feet which includes the tips of their toes right to the heel.

This puts a person at higher risk of serious feet problem and any injury, whether it’s an ingrown toenail, a blister, or a tack in the foot, can potentially turn into a much bigger problem.

“Sugar feeds a wound and makes it fester,” Dr Robert Ratner, chief scientific and medical officer of the American Diabetes Association.

Dr Rinker continued: “To guard against infection, people need to be vigilant about getting their blood sugar in control and checking their feet daily.

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“Thirty years ago, entire hospital wards were filled with people with foot ulcers and amputations.

“Today, amputations are down 40 percent.

“Yet diabetes remains the leading cause of major limb amputations.

“So, we’ve done better, but we still have difficulty getting glucose levels as close to normal as possible without side effects of hypoglycaemia.”

It’s good to take time out to sit down and have a proper look at your feet every day, advised Diabetes UK.  

The health site continued: “If you notice any changes or that you feel unwell you should do something about it straight away.

“A serious foot problem is when damage to your foot means it needs emergency attention.

“Having diabetes means that you’re more at risk of serious foot problems, and these can lead to amputation.”

Published at Thu, 06 May 2021 15:51:14 +0000

Type 2 diabetes: High blood sugars causes major feet issues increasing amputation risk


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